Tuesday, 8 July 2008

BBC Documentary series about the film!!!


The BBC are making a web series about he process of making the gargantuan and epic zombie movie!

click the above link to watch the videos! new ones up every Tuesday and Friday!
If you are from outside the UK and are having trouble watching on the BBC's site, there are going to be episodes on the BBC's youtube channel about 24 hours after they're posted on the BBC site (so Wednesday and Saturday at 3.30pm UK time (that's 7.30 am California time, and 10.30 am NYC time, if my calculations are correct)). I'll embed them here anyways, so you won't miss them, you just might end up seeing them a little after us brits.
Aww yeahhh

Don't worry- this isn't going affect the actual film itself, they're just going to follow what we are doing, from an outside perspective!

Right now, in the movie process, I'm trying to get a writing team together to write the film as quick as we can- this is supposed to be ready for halloween! Get in contact if you want to help!


Anonymous said...

Hello. My bro made a zombie movie (ahynes02 on youtube he has subbed you) which is also on my tube (millymollymandy16, its because i did all the make-up, latex etc) and we already gave bbc3 the right to use it for whatever and we are giving them to you too. They are some mega funny scenes and out-takes that may apply to the movie and far more footage I would think on his comp.

Good luck with the bbc3 thing too. shall be watching online then probs on halloween for kicks.

Also party... awesome!

will said...

mee i want to help write meeeee

Anonymous said...

Excellent news. The BBC coverage should give the project a massive boost!

cwacht said...

Embedding the video on here would be awesome. Thanks from America. You're the best, Paperlilies!

Unknown said...

Wow, this has come really far since you posted your first video about it. Congratulations, especially on the BBC coverage, very impressive!

Do you have any plot details yet? I was trying to think of how to link zombies into computers/internet, I was thinking along the lines of zombies coming out of computer screens, a bit like how the girl comes out of the TV screen in 'The Ring'? People interrupted half way through recording a vlog maybe, and the webcam being the camera which sees the zombies biting/converting people in their own bedrooms/living rooms/whatever, as if it's been caught on camera by chance? (Think Cloverfield/Blair Witch).

Just an idea =)

Chris Bound said...

Wow! Well, first let me say congrats on the BBC doc. Secondly, I would love to be part of the writing team as I am a freelance writer anyway with alot of free time at the moment and just really want an excuse to start writing again. Email me if you are interested

Anonymous said...

I'd love to help on the writing team and/or submit possible scenes as soon as I get me a camera. I live in a remote area of Scotland where the supply of bored teens and large scary forests are bountiful! You can reach me on my LJ or on my youtube (ColouringCrayons (excuse the lack of videos my old computer died leaving me without files)) if you are interested.

Great idea, man!

Unknown said...

well that is one hell of an achievement. Good luck i think it is an amazing idea and i am so going to check up on the progress

Alex said...

may i help? i have many ideas, i make short films on youtube. how can i help?

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