Monday, 20 October 2008

we shot some film!

So we shot some of the film!!!
It was so amazing to actually see this thing come to life! I had an amazing (and exhausting!) time. I want to thank all the people who were there and helped out in any way. Without the dedication and extremely hard work of everyone involved, it wouldn't have happened.
I will be posting more excessively grateful thanks to everyone in the next few weeks, but I have to do another 921904 things before the screening on the 30th October (ie, the film needs to be edited, scored, posters need making, credits need accumulating, blogs need to be made, effects need to be specialled) so for now, thankyou thankyou everyone!

here are some photos taken by Adam, aka SkinnyGhost of the special effect makeup by beautiful Elvis:


Carlie Russelle said...

but amazing makeup!
nice work

Nasim said...

Wow , very nice topic and very nice Makeup. I like such kind of unique topic and Horror movies. Your performance is very good as a blogger.
Thanks for nice and rich blog job.
Have a nice time
Dog Life Jackets

free tv show downloads said...

I love to watch horror movies. Thanks for sharing the topic. The girl is doing very nice job, she has done a good makeup.

heroine 2012 film said...

wow epic... love the creativity !! keep em coming !!