Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Poster competition!

Poster competition!

So we finally shot some stuff, and are editing it as we speak (or type!). There is a screening on the 30th of October of what we have so far. Part of that is that we need a poster to put up around the cinema it's being held at! So that is why we are having a poster competition!

The peramiters are: you have to make it A1 size, which is 594 × 841 mm or 23.4 × 33.1 inches. It has to be in 100 DPI or higher, and preferably in CMYK, though if needs be, I can convert what you send to that. File type is unimportant and we should be able to work with whatever you send. Send your finished poster entry in a smaller size to me at the email address below on or by the 25th, making sure to keep the full sized one incase your entry gets shortlisted.

The deadline is Saturday the 25th of October! Send the submissions to: internetzombiemovie @ gmail.com

I am going to make a shortlist on the 25th and have a vote on youtube for the best one, which will get printed and used for the screening on the 30th. The winner will recieve a printed fullsize copy of their poster, and if they live in the UK and or can get to it, can come to the screening with a friend.

You MUST use the 'World Wide Dead' name as that is the name of the film!!

The following are things you can use for the poster if you want to but you don't have to:
  • Ben: Mike Ivens aka badm4ths
  • Abbie: Frankie Ward aka FrankieLovesToday
  • Ethan: Joseph Ripley aka JosephRipley
  • Kelly: Samantha Taylor aka pinklikethepanther
  • Eric: Mark Ribolla aka DentonUSA
  • Directors (of this part so far): Pete Curran and Tim Keeling
  • you could put my name on it somewhere? Bryony Matthewman aka Paperlilies
POSSIBLE TAGLINES (you don't have to include any tagline, or if you want, you can make up your own):
  • The Internet Zombie Movie
  • Uploading near you soon
  • When will you log out?


Anonymous said...

wheres the screening going to take place and what time?

Zdecent said...

Yeah, i wanna know the screening time and place too...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where I can find a picture of a person with zombie make up and a picture of them without the makeup?

Anonymous said...

i just sent mine! hope you got it - send via yahoo... I am so excited!!

Lizz said...

I just sent mine too so let me know if you don't get it!

Anonymous said...

Did the poster competition get canned? I noticed you took your video down..

Ruinedworld said...

I sent mine in as well... have not seen much on the subject...

Hope is wasn't "canned"

Anonymous said...

There are parameters and there are perimeters, but I'm not sure what "peramiters" are... LOL

Anonymous said...

Ugh... nothing. This sucks! but, I guess she was too busy with screening... :-(

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no word on the poster competition. Too bad, I was looking forward to seeing the results.

Lizz said...

The poster used at the screening was like a blood splat with a face, looked really cool- a good choice but I don't know who did it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like keeping us all up to date on whats happening with the movie......keep up the slow work

Anonymous said...

I assume Bryony simply forgot about this blog again. Or perhaps it's only updated once every couple of months.

Anonymous said...

way to bail on the poster comp....whats next....bailing on the whole project?

such professionalism

you really should'nt leave what few fans you have hanging

Anonymous said...

wow Yes, this was a disapointment. I am sure she is doing a lot and has a work load but why even suggest a competition and have people waste their time if you're going to follow through?
It made me uninterested in this entire project

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like bad management to ruin a good idea - and p*ss people off too!

Get a grip on this project as there are a lot of people willing to spend their free time helping you out.

Anonymous said...

And still no word? WTF?

Anonymous said...

So, who won this poster competition?

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Hi to Everyone!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea to get all the zombie movies fans together and working on a project with a lot of creativity. I’m sure you got some wonderful entries and it was difficult to decide the winner.